ወደ ዳሰሳ ሂድ ወደ ዋናው ይዘት ሂድ ወደ ግርጌ ሂድ

Basic course for electronics technicians for energy and building technology


  1. ስልጠና ፈልግ
  2. ይመዝገቡ
  3. ይማሩ
  4. የተሳትፎ የምስክር ወረቀት ይቀበሉ

The basic training is similar for all electrician occupations, they differ in the respective specifications. Electronics technicians for energy and building technology are responsible for planning electrotechnical systems in buildings and their energy supply, especially renewable energy. 

They install the electrotechnical systems planned in advance and put them into operation. In addition, they are familiar with smart homes and their installation, also in combination with renewable energies.

They also install antennas, reception and broadband communication systems. If necessary, an electronics technician is employed for the maintenance or even repair of such installations.


የኮርሶች ዝርዝር

  • free of charge
  • የተሳትፎ የምስክር ወረቀት
  • English
  • L1 መሰረታዊ
  • ከ 2 ሰዓት በታች
  • 5 ሞጁሎች


  • Electrical installation
  • smart home
  • Energy generation
  • Video Smart Home and energy generation
  • Test your Knowledge

ስለ ሞጁል መረጃ

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

ተያያዥ ኮርሶች

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