ወደ ዳሰሳ ሂድ ወደ ዋናው ይዘት ሂድ ወደ ግርጌ ሂድ

Waste management guide for Woodworking


  1. ስልጠና ፈልግ
  2. ይመዝገቡ
  3. ይማሩ
  4. የተሳትፎ የምስክር ወረቀት ይቀበሉ

Welcome to our “Waste Management” digital training units. Our aim is to offer you lots of tips and suggestions for your practical work to help you avoid work-site waste.This course is about the management of woodworking waste. However, everyone working in the construction industry can use the information we are giving in this course.


የኮርሶች ዝርዝር

  • free of charge
  • የተሳትፎ የምስክር ወረቀት
  • English
  • L1 መሰረታዊ
  • ከ 2 ሰዓት በታች
  • 7 ሞጁሎች


  • Introduction
  • The different types of waste
  • Management of different types of waste
  • Statutory and regulatory requirements
  • The statutory and regulatory impact of work-site waste management
  • Benefits and prospects
  • Test

ስለ ሞጁል መረጃ

2 minutes

5 minutes

Inert Waste (IW)
Non-Hazardous Waste (NHW) and Ordinary Industrial Waste (OIW)
Hazardous Waste (HW)

4 minutes

4 minutes


4 minutes

Statutory and regulatory requirements

2 minutes

10 minutes

ተያያዥ ኮርሶች

0 Bilder
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