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This profession is all about trained persons who support people in individual learning journeys.

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What does a Facilitator do?

The tasks of the learning facilitator are to identify and discuss individual learning needs and individual learning behaviour, to design appropriate learning paths and to make learning agreements about them, to select learning tasks (from real work), to prepare them and to hand them over for independent work, to observe and accompany the learner's processing of the task, to conduct interim discussions, to conduct evaluation discussions, to perceive individual learning pitfalls and obstacles to learning, to motivate learners to continue learning, to constantly review and question one's own behaviour, to moderate heterogeneous learning groups as well as to deal with conflicts and to be able to advise in case of conflicts. 

Learning facilitators can be teachers, learning coaches, trainers but also pedagogically trained professionals. They must be able to design the learning arrangement for a learning task, and for this they should be able to master and design different forms of learning, e.g. discovery learning, exploratory tasks, learning through teaching, project learning, action learning. 

What is important?

  • You are a people’s person with good communication skills 
  • A Solution orientated problem solver 
  • You are passionate about people development  
  • You enjoying engaging and being challenged by and with youth topics 
  • Giving advice and encouragement are second nature to you 

Courses for Facilitators

The Level 1 = basic level is meant to give the very first basics for a profession, more like an orientation towards that profession. The Level 2 = intermediate level is for people that have mastered the basic courses and want to get a more detail knowledge for a profession. The Level 3 = advanced level is meant for people who already have knowledge in a specific industry and want to learn about specifications in that industry. The Level 4 = professional level is being designed for all those that are already working and want to acquire some new knowledge for that profession.

Basic Level

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