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Industrial electrician

This profession is all about electricity.

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What does an Industrial Electrician do?

As an industrial electrician, you are fascinated by electricity. In accordance with occupational safety, you are responsible for the electrical system in a company, for example. You can choose between two fields right from the start and specialise in the area of your choice. You work on, assemble and connect mechanical parts, analyse electrical systems and ensure that they function properly. In other words, you prevent accidents caused by electricity.

What is important?

  • Care (e.g. when checking and measuring electrical and mechanical functions)
  • Carefulness (e.g. when working on live components and voltage connections)
  • Technical understanding (e.g. when maintaining equipment and systems)
  • Dexterity (e.g. when assembling and disassembling assemblies)

Courses for Industrial electricians

The Level 1 = basic level is meant to give the very first basics for a profession, more like an orientation towards that profession. The Level 2 = intermediate level is for people that have mastered the basic courses and want to get a more detail knowledge for a profession. The Level 3 = advanced level is meant for people who already have knowledge in a specific industry and want to learn about specifications in that industry. The Level 4 = professional level is being designed for all those that are already working and want to acquire some new knowledge for that profession.

Basic Level

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Intermediate Level

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