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Hotel specialist

This profession involves working in every area of a hotel.  

Show me your job! Hotel specialist

Show me your job! Hotel specialist

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What does a Hospitality specialist do?

As a hotel specialist, you can look forward to an exciting and varied range of tasks in your everyday working life due to the wide range of activities. You always work where it is necessary. This can be in reception, service or accounting. This means that you will take many steps in the hotel every day. A hotel is staffed around the clock. For you, this means shift work and weekend work. During your work you talk a lot with guests and staff. As a hotel specialist, you mainly work in hotels. But you are not limited to the hotel industry. You can also find hotel specialists in inns, guesthouses, restaurants, cafés, discotheques and even hospitals.

What is important?

  • Communication skills
  • Stress resistance and resilience
  • Customer and service orientation
  • Good physical condition
  • Like to work in a team

Courses for Hospitality specialists

The Level 1 = basic level is meant to give the very first basics for a profession, more like an orientation towards that profession. The Level 2 = intermediate level is for people that have mastered the basic courses and want to get a more detail knowledge for a profession. The Level 3 = advanced level is meant for people who already have knowledge in a specific industry and want to learn about specifications in that industry. The Level 4 = professional level is being designed for all those that are already working and want to acquire some new knowledge for that profession.

Basic Level

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